Important DHS Information
Child Care Payment Updates
Providers can check on the status of specific payments by calling IDHS’ Provider Assistance line at 800.804.3833 one working day after the payment was entered or two working days after the payment was approved.
- IDHS now has a phone number that provides additional payment updates and information: 217.524.9041
- Providers who enter payments via the IDHS IVR system can call 800.787.9316
Providers can also see if a payment has been issued by using the Illinois State Comptroller website:
- Enter SS# or FEIN (click OK)
- For the next two pages click on gray boxes at bottom (Payments and Find Warrants)
- Most recent payment will be listed at top of the page.
Visit the Illinois State Comptroller Website
Note: Paper checks are mailed the working day after being issued. Direct deposit and debit card payments are usually in accounts two working days after being issued. Weekends and holidays are not working days.
Contact the IDHS Direct Deposit System – 217.557.0930
- Receive an authorization form from the Comptroller’s Electronic Commerce Division
- Payees already enrolled in Direct Deposit can make account changes