Healthy Social-Emotional Development is the Foundation for All Child Development and Learning
Illinois Action for Children’s Early Childhood Mental Health Consultants Are Here to Support You!
Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Overview:
Our Early Childhood Mental Health Consultants (ECMHC) provide services for center- and home-based early care and education providers who care for children from birth-5 years old at no cost to the providers.
This service is provided through the Illinois Department of Human Services, in collaboration with Caregiver Connections and the statewide consultation program, which is available throughout Chicago and Cook County.
IAFCs Early Childhood Mental Health Consultants bring an advanced level of training and expertise and work with your team to build collaborative, strengths-based relationships. Through these relationships, we will partner with you to increase your understanding of children’s social-emotional development and the meaning behind their behaviors. Your consultant will work with you to establish goals important to you that will guide your work.
The current events related to COVID-19 can be stressful, confusing, and in some instances traumatic for many people and communities. Children are not exempt to these feelings of distress.
Illinois Action for Children is pleased to offer the opportunity for home- and center-based child care providers to participate in a no-cost, virtual early childhood mental health consultation. Consultations can be conducted via phone or video conference covering the following topics:
- Social-Emotional Concerns
- Behavioral Concerns
- Developmental Concerns
- Staff Concerns/Issues
- Working with Families
- Identifying Resources for children/families/staff
Children need to feel safe, heard, and understood. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has identified the presence of safe, stable, and nurturing adults as the most important protective factor for children and young people in the face of stress and adversity. It is important for adults to talk with children about COVID-19 to assure they receive age-appropriate, factual information, and to understand and help them process their feelings.
The greatest truth of this pandemic is we are all in this together. Each of us has a part to contribute to our fight against this virus and to bring our world back to some sense of normalcy; even children.
IAFCs Early Childhood Mental Health Consultants bring advanced training and expertise and will work with you to help you provide the best support possible to the children in your care.