Consultation Services for Schools

Early Childhood Consultation Services for Schools

Partnerships for Positive Outcomes

Illinois Action for Children is a leading expert on engaging families and support organizations, schools, and community collaborations to also deepen their own family and community engagement practices.

We support your staff and teachers to learn these skills through our Partnerships for Positive Outcomes (PPO) program. We provide training and consultation supports in deepening the practice of engaging families and communities as well as providing consultation services and trainings in topics related to early childhood mental health:  

Family and Community Engagement Training and Supports

  • Engaging families authentically
  • Strategies for reducing chronic absenteeism
  • Building community partnerships and a system of referrals for families

Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation and Training Supports

  • Individual child observations
  • Trauma and its impact on children
  • Reflective practice coaching for teachers
  • Understanding brain science and early learning

Tailored Plan

PPO includes a flexible, customizable menu of consultation and training services that can be designed to meet your needs. Contact us to learn more about the trainings and consultation services that we provide that can be adapted to your goals and need. We offer:

  • A comprehensive assessment and planning to identify supports for your school
  • Consulting and Technical Assistance supports
  • Training and Professional Development Opportunities

Woman watching over three young children who are drawing with a purple crayon

We're Ready to Help!

Contact the Partners for Positive Outcomes team, today!
