To ensure the health and safety of children, providers who receive CCAP funds are required to complete specific child development, health, and safety trainings, and have a current CPR/First Aid certification in order to continue receiving CCAP funds.
Training Deadline:
All providers that have been approved on CCAP prior to July 1, 2022, must have Orientation Trainings completed by September 30, 2022. If trainings are not completed by September 30, providers will not be approved for new or redetermined cases. A close-out letter will be sent, and the case will be closed out by CCAP. Providers can be reinstated when trainings are complete.
Any provider approved on CCAP after July 1, 2022, has 90 days from their CCAP approval date to complete their trainings.
For more information, view the official IDHS memo here.
View the official IDHS Reminder memo here.
Health and Safety Training Requirements:
All license-exempt centers & non-relative license-exempt childcare home providers must complete Orientation Training Requirements and Annual Training Requirements. All CCAP providers must be members of the Gateways to Opportunity Registry.
View the Orientation Training Checklist here.