
Create A Shared Agenda, Logic Model, and Work Plan for Your Early Childhood Collaboration

The shared agenda, logic model, and work plan are three key planning tools that are fundamentally connected. A shared agenda outlines common interests and goals across early childhood care and education collaboration partners while a logic model and work plan provide a framework for the work.

The three toolswhen used togetheralso help the team plan ahead, establish checkpoints along the way, and evaluate strategies for effective early childhood community systems development.

Logic Model + Work Plan = Shared Agenda

Create a Shared Agenda

It is nearly impossible to craft a strong  shared agenda without having consensus among all of the partners. This level of agreement ensures that all partners and members of the collaboration team will support the agenda from planning through implementation and evaluation 

Essential elements of a shared agenda include:

  • A shared understanding of the community’s needs and the targeted problem
  • Agreed-upon, targeted systems change efforts and desired outcomes
  • Common language that guides the work
  • Commitment to shared work and accountability

Develop a Logic Model

Logic models define the goals of a collaboration and shape its planning, design, management, accountability, and communication. It is a roadmap or blueprint that describes how elements of a project, including planned activities and expected outcomes, work together. Logic models also help measure success of your collaboration and maintain accountability. A solid logic model will provide a strong foundation for future evaluation of your work.

Logic model components include:

  • Problem statement
  • Project goal
  • Resources
  • Activities
  • Outputs/results
  • Outcomes (immediate, intermediate, and long term)

Continue to engage diverse stakeholders in planning the logic model and work plan to ensure alignment, support and shared understanding of project goals and approach. Be open to adapting your work, if needed.

Outline the Work Plan

The work plan is a management tool built from the logic model that helps to ensure you complete the tasks necessary to carry out each strategy. It helps your collaboration come to an agreement on outcomes, goals, and timelines; it also serves as a useful project management tool to help with planning and implementation.

The components of a work plan include:

  • Problem Statement
  • Project Goal
  • Project Objective
  • Activities
  • Person Responsible
  • Timing
  • Products/Results 

Effective collaborations use their work plan as part of the shared meeting agenda. Checking in on the progress of objectives at every meeting, as well as discussing previously agreed upon activities, keeps the collaboration on track and accountable for implementing strategies. 

Ongoing Learning Cycle Diagram

Ongoing Learning Cycle

This logic model workbook from Innovation Network is a great tool that can help you manage your project.