
Be an Advocate

When developing your collaboration’s work plan, remember the importance of policy and advocacy!

Developing strong systems that support families with young children is no small feat, but there is strength in numbers. The early childhood sector offers a unique opportunity to engage a diverse group of advocates who have multiple areas of expertise in childcare, early learning, family leadership, and health. Your advocacy for policies and initiatives that strengthen essential programs and services for children and families is a vitally important component of sustaining a successful early childhood system.

It is important to speak out about the resources that young children and families need, and to engage policymakers to protect and increase public investments in early childhood programs. There are many different ways your local collaboration can be an advocate for young children and families.

They include:

  1. Staying informed: Sign up to receive advocacy alerts and policy updates!

  2. Staying connected: Invite your local elected officials to attend a community event that your collaboration is hosting, or set up a meeting with elected officials to share information with them about your collaboration and the importance of early childhood services.

  3. Taking action: Join advocacy events in your community and state.

Group of people supporting a cause